Purely Said Links:

Useful links to our visitors

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Our Purely Said Book

http://www.andiesisle.com/arms.of.your.love.html - Must have flash approved to be able to see this video.

https://www.projectmankindministries.com/ - Project Mankind Podcast, a ministry for men.

https://www.emailministry.org - Uplifting spiritual emails sent a couple times a week.


Welcome the Morning Meditations 6 Magical Practices to Start Your Day!


https://www.pinterest.com/amylynnorg/click-to-donate-click-to-give-non-profit/ - Click to give for free!

https://griefrecoverymethod.com/ - Grief Recovery Method, it works! We have used it many times.

https://www.lego.com/en-us/sustainability/environment/replay?locale=en-us - Recycle your Lego.


https://on.soundcloud.com/q65af - Via Grace Bjarnson

Tyndale Rewards program where you earn points toward FREE books and Bibles.
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Voice Over Work/ Voiceover/Voice-Over:

1. Respondent

2. Freelancer

3. Fiverr

4. Maven

5. Upwork

6. Code word Petite goldfish This gets you software for free you get to beta test. Everything from physical recording equipment to software. They email you each time there is something available.

7. Utest

8. Annika's Freelance Jobs

9. Mandy

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