Purely Said Credit of Those Who Donated Their Voices

We are honored to have your voice over donations and videos!

Those who have taken the time to offer their words of comfort will be credited here with name and/or website link. It's the least we can do to share such a wonderful gift. Thank you to all of you. You don't have to be a professional voice artist to take part! Just be YOU!

Bruce Dunning voice over - http://voiceoverby.me/

Chuck Brown voiceover - http://ChuckBrown.com

Amy Lynn Voice-over- http://www.amylynn.org

Grace Bjarnson voice artist - https://www.facebook.com/HotMuffinMedia/

More to come! Please feel free to donate videos, or audio tracks that we can add to our website, and or social media accounts. We would love to have you. Thank you for your donations and your time. You are a great blessing to all those who listen or view Purely Said. If you are having problems sending large files you could use Dropbox or Google drive to share those files with us and others. As we find other free websites that allow storage for transfer of files we will update this for you.